
The Ultimate Brainstorming Tool

In groups or alone, brainstorming with Braincat software takes you from random input to organized output — fast!

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“It’s just magic.”

Felicitas Lind



“Phenomenal tool.”

Ryan Walker



“A game changer”

Bianca Elliott

From Chaos to Clarity!

Braincat is the digital tool that unlocks this powerfully simple thinking process:

Step 1


Pour everything in, just as it comes

Step 2


Quickly sort and sequence your ideas

Step 3


Display and share with others

Patent Pending
Rev. Tony Franklin

“Braincat takes my jumbled thoughts and helps me achieve the laser-focus I need to communicate well throughout my work week.”

Rev. Tony Franklin

Expand the Input, Condense the Output

The essence of brainstorming is to let your ideas flow without comment or judgment. And that’s equally true if you’re in a team or thinking alone.

But there’s a problem!

  • What do you DO with all that jumbled input?
  • How do you organize it?
  • How do you prioritize?
  • How do you select the best and let go the rest?

Braincat is the answer.

Braincat encourages you to think freely: you pour everything in, just as it comes. Then Braincat helps you quickly prioritize and present your ideas.

No you can turn thinking into planning.

Try Braincat Free

“I finally have a place to collect and categorize ideas, insights, etc. I’ve tried many different apps and ways to keep up with info, and Braincat is the only one that works for me!”

Letitia Stones

Letitia Stones

Mind Mapping… Reversed!

Conventional mind mapping is a great tool for visualizing ideas. But it assumes you know your starting point.

Braincat assumes nothing. It begins where you are, with a mass of unsorted ideas and data.

Then it quickly reveals the hidden essentials in a simple, editable mind map.

Note-Taking for Action

It’s easy to take pages of notes… but what do you do with them later?

Braincat lets you enter your notes randomly, just as they come. Then it quickly helps you organize and simplify them.

Now you can turn your notes into actions.

The Power of Questions

Questions open the mind.

Braincat presents you with fun and challenging questions to ignite your creativity.

There are questions to get you started when you’re stuck, to help you make decisions, to plan your writing, and more.


Our goal is to share the Braincat process with as many people as possible, so we’ve kept our prices low.

Monthly $14.95

Per month

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Annual $9.95

Per month

Paid annually

Save 30% and enjoy Braincat for a full year. Now you’ll be saving time AND money!

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Most Popular $7.45

Per month – paid annually. Easy to cancel any time.

Save 50% and enjoy Braincat for a full year.

Unlimited projects.

All basic features PLUS all additional features to power your thinking.

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Please contact us for more information.

Best Value!
*It’s easy to cancel your subscription any time. If you do not cancel during your free trial, you will be automatically billed your first payment after 30 days.
Jon Ward

About Braincat

Braincat was created by Jon Ward to help people think better. He says about the program:

“Brainstorming software has to be simple. When you’re brainstorming, whether alone or with others, you need to move fast, with the least possible friction. In a team, you want to invite the widest diversity of input, with the least contamination by dominant voices or groupthink. Alone, you want your mind to open wide to every relevant possibility.

Braincat is unusual as a tool for brainstorming because it requires zero organization at the point of input. Most tools nudge you to structure your data as you’re typing it in, whether in columns, or maps, or boxes… They’re based on a familiar logic: first create the framework, then add the data. Braincat works the other way around: first add the data, then discover the framework.

As an idea-generating tool, Braincat relaxes the mind. You can input whatever comes into your head. Is it great? Is it silly? Is it useful? Is it irrelevant? You don’t have to ask those questions! Just capture. A relaxed mind is an expanded mind. The less stress you experience when you’re brainstorming, the more original and creative your ideas can be.

Today, surprisingly, people still use physical sticky notes for brainstorming. This is fun and colorful — you can step back and look at all the mixed up ideas plastered over a wall. The trouble is, someone usually has the job of typing all that stuff into a computer, so it can actually be used.

Even then, the question is: What next?

Brainstorming without a next-steps process is like praying for rain without a bucket to catch it. You’ve given yourself a stressful problem to solve. That means you need a different kind of brainstorming software. With Braincat, you know exactly what to do next. After you’ve input all your ideas, you categorize them. In other words, you sort them into buckets. This can be done by one person, or as a shared process. Either way, gathering your ideas under headings gives you an intimate knowledge of what you’ve created.

Once you’ve categorized, you can create a sequence, showing yourself how one thing leads to another. Now you have even more mastery of the material. And one step further: you identify your Big Idea, the one concept that pulls everything together.

Finally, Braincat presents the results to you in a format that’s easy to survey — an outline or a simple mind map. This means you can review, discuss and assess the ideas, and turn them into an actionable plan.”

Jon is a writer, editor and brand consultant. He is a Strategic Consultant to Calroy Health Sciences and an Adjunct Consultant to the Sheffield Group. He is editor of the recently published book MC24, by design thinker Bruce Mau.

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